The stag group's day of drinking on Wednesday began at midday at Cove Beach Club, where they were filmed partying. It was later revealed that Andy had also slept alongside a second woman - Taylor's friend, 26-year-old Phoebe Robb, a personal trainer from Leeds. She also insisted she was not naked in the picture of them both in bed, saying she was wearing a strapless dress and that other people were in the room at the time. Taylor admitted she felt guilty for taking photographs of them both in bed, and of her wearing his dressing gown, as she said it was just meant to be a 'joke'. 'He didn't try anything - and even if he had wanted to, he was too drunk,' she said. Taylor, who claimed the pictures were leaked on Snapchat after she sent them to her friends back, said she has done nothing wrong and added that Andy was too drunk for anything to have happened between them. Pals: Taylor and friend Phoebe Robb both, 27, were taken back to Andy's luxurious hotel suite at Fairmont the Palm in Dubai and Taylor shared snaps of her wearing his hotel bathrobe